Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jon & Kate plus Hate

I was watching Jon Gosselin, on Tuesday, do his first tv interview on his failing marriage w/ Kate Gosselin since they officially divorced, on Primetime Live. It is just me or did Jon Gosselin sound like an elementary school kid pointing fingers and putting the blame on Kate for all the things that went wrong in their marriage. it took everything in me to not get so worked up over how much of an ass he made himself look to millions of viewers on tv. I've been following the show before it even became an actual show. It was a documentary first on Jon & Kate having twins and sextuplets through IVF. Anyhow I digress... ok I admit, since watching the show I have always been on Jon's side only because Kate was constantly down Jon's back about every single thing and not to mention the public humiliation that she put him through by yelling and screaming at him like he was one of her children. Totally unacceptable and inappropriate.

Then this whole trial seperation started and Jon did a complete 180! What a disappointment. All this clubbing and dating and not showing an ounce of remorse for what is happening between him and Kate, especially to his children. Those poor kids. Being mauled by the paparazzi and constantly getting their pictures taken. They cant go anywhere in peace. HORRIBLE. In the interview he speaks about his new 23 year old girlfriend, Hailey, who is Kate's plastic surgeon's daughter. He said and I quote " When I am around her my heart beats so fast and I think I love her more than I loved Kate" I WAS FLOORED! How could he say that about the woman who gave birth to your 8 children? The mother of your children.

People who marry thinking it's a long-time love affair will divorce very soon, because all love affairs end in disappointment. While marriage is a recognition of a spiritual identity.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Mike and I saw the movie Inglorious Basterds yesterday and I must say this was an AWESOME movie from beginning to end. So much action, so much gore, and Quentin Tarentino even sneaked in a little love scene amidst the blood and guts! I give this movie a big huge A+. It's just too bad the ending wasn't the real reason for Hitler's demise. So if you haven't seen this movie, I suggest you do but leave the kiddos at home. DUH!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fave Album of the Moment

I am totally feelin Chrisette Michelle's new CD Epiphany. Best tracks so far is Epiphany, Notebook, and What you do featuring Ne-Yo. If you haven't heard this CD yet. Go COP IT!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So my sister called my cell last Saturday and left me a voice message stating she had something to tell me. Being that Im not really the type to answer my phone, I figure hey if it's something important leave me a message and depending on how severe the message is, i'll return the call. So I barely heard my sister's vm this morning and from the tone of her voice telling me to call her back, it was either the latest family gossip OR someone did something to her and she got "hood" on them. Either way, it sounded business. So all day long I was so anxious to know what she had to tell me that I kept calling and texting her to call me back. Finally at 3:30pm she calls me and I was like "what is this message you have to tell me???" and with the seriousness of all seriouses she says " Haylie started her period." Haylie is my 11 year old niece that I previously blogged about. My sister was sad. In America this would be the sign of a young girl blossoming into a young woman who would be rewarded with Congratulations, balloons and smiles but my sister embraces our filipino culture and getting your period is a sign of ranging girl hormones & possible teen pregnancy. My sister told me the first thing she stressed to my niece was ABSOLUTELY NO BOYS till she was of age. What is of age anyways. I had my first crush when I was 12 and I thought I was of age. Can you imagine what I thought I was capable of when I turned 16? LOL....I cant imagine having a daughter and needing to have this talk of period, sex and boys. Not in that particular order. UGH! it frightens me. Back when I was younger, I used to tell myself that I was going to be a cool mom who'd let my daughter go to parties and date boys because I couldnt do any of these things back then. It was taboo to talk about sex to my mom. You utter the word sex around her and she'd have a fit! So I vowed to be cooler than her and NOW I dont know about that. I'd probably be as strict as my mom if not 10x stricter. At the same time, I also dont want to be my daughter's worst nightmare. I cant believe my niece has enter womanhood. I told my sister to keep her innocence for as long as she can preserve it. Another special moment in my niece's life that I was not present for. Then again she would be furious if she knew I blogged about her first mensy experience. Sorry Haylie. I love you like a daughter and I would probably do the same if I had my own. *sigh* where has the time gone?

A Beautiful Fat

I decided today that I was going to start blogging about my journey through weight loss. I started mid-April of this year and by June I had lost a total of 35lbs. Ive since hit a plateau and have not loss a pound nor have I gained any. So I am innate at the moment and could give you a couple reasons why. So for the past 2 weeks I've been on this food binge of some kind. I have no explanation for it except for the fact that Aunt Flo might be comin to visit but thats only once a month and my cravings for anything salty, sweet, or carby lasts for maybe a couple of days or so and then I'm back to my normal eating habits. These past two months my eating habit has been really out of the norm and NO I am not pregnant! I think I'm eating more because I am not eating enough during the day and when I get home from the gym, I am completely famished and will grab anything in sight to eat! I also thought what a better way to jot down what I ate for the day, then to blog about it!

So today my team here at work decided we were going to have a "snack day" to celebrate the work anniversaries for the month of August. Mind you, my team specificially, is infamous for SNACK DAYS. We even had a snack day for the Mexican Revolution. Pathetic huh? So this morning I THINK I did ok. I had a Yoplait shake, a banana, and a bagel w/ cream cheese . That was it for breakfast and I usually dont ever have a big breakfast because I am not much of a breakfast eater. Then lunch came around and I went buckwild. I had 3 slices of pizza, a chocolate donut, a handful of potato chips w/ an onion dip, some fruit slices w/ the creamy apple caramel dip that I made. Insanely bad! I swear this will never happen again! Tomorrow is a new day and from here on out it will be all about portion control and working out. I dont have a problem in the physical activity department because I try to at least workout 4x a week which I've been consistent with. So I dont need some gym expert or anyone in general preaching to me about what types of exercise I should be doing. I am fully aware of what exercise needs to be done for a specific body part. Pizza is my weakness. Costco Pizza that is.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Missin' My Loveliez.......

I am here at work thinkin about all my cute little nieces and nephews and wondering what they are up too. My how time flies. Sometimes I stare at Haylie and Bj's pictures, mostly Haylie's, and wonder where has the time gone???? I still remember Haylie being this very adorable, tiny, and smiley baby who loved being in front of the camera so much! I felt like I blinked for a few seconds and she blossomed into this 11 year old tween who now wears a training bra and loves to shop for clothes. I mean don't get me wrong, I love all my nieces and nephews equally but I've always felt this special bond with Haylie as if she was my own daughter. I was there from the first day she was born, her first steps and her first day of school. I felt like I shared all those special moments with my sister. With the rest of my nieces and nephews, I wasnt present for much of the time because I lived in another state. So I would get updates through email and pictures. With my two new nephews, Bryson and Kingston, I wasnt in Texas to witness theyre first steps and I know I won't be around as much to witness a majority of their firsts. I miss them dearly especially Kingston. He's such a darling baby. I hope to see all of them soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chocolate & Caramel Covered Macadamian Nuts

O-M-G!!! I just had a chocolate & caramel covered Macadamian Nut and it is absolutely delish! I am speechless and yes it is worth blogging about. You'd blog about it too if you had one!