Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jon & Kate plus Hate

I was watching Jon Gosselin, on Tuesday, do his first tv interview on his failing marriage w/ Kate Gosselin since they officially divorced, on Primetime Live. It is just me or did Jon Gosselin sound like an elementary school kid pointing fingers and putting the blame on Kate for all the things that went wrong in their marriage. it took everything in me to not get so worked up over how much of an ass he made himself look to millions of viewers on tv. I've been following the show before it even became an actual show. It was a documentary first on Jon & Kate having twins and sextuplets through IVF. Anyhow I digress... ok I admit, since watching the show I have always been on Jon's side only because Kate was constantly down Jon's back about every single thing and not to mention the public humiliation that she put him through by yelling and screaming at him like he was one of her children. Totally unacceptable and inappropriate.

Then this whole trial seperation started and Jon did a complete 180! What a disappointment. All this clubbing and dating and not showing an ounce of remorse for what is happening between him and Kate, especially to his children. Those poor kids. Being mauled by the paparazzi and constantly getting their pictures taken. They cant go anywhere in peace. HORRIBLE. In the interview he speaks about his new 23 year old girlfriend, Hailey, who is Kate's plastic surgeon's daughter. He said and I quote " When I am around her my heart beats so fast and I think I love her more than I loved Kate" I WAS FLOORED! How could he say that about the woman who gave birth to your 8 children? The mother of your children.

People who marry thinking it's a long-time love affair will divorce very soon, because all love affairs end in disappointment. While marriage is a recognition of a spiritual identity.

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