Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Beautiful Fat

I decided today that I was going to start blogging about my journey through weight loss. I started mid-April of this year and by June I had lost a total of 35lbs. Ive since hit a plateau and have not loss a pound nor have I gained any. So I am innate at the moment and could give you a couple reasons why. So for the past 2 weeks I've been on this food binge of some kind. I have no explanation for it except for the fact that Aunt Flo might be comin to visit but thats only once a month and my cravings for anything salty, sweet, or carby lasts for maybe a couple of days or so and then I'm back to my normal eating habits. These past two months my eating habit has been really out of the norm and NO I am not pregnant! I think I'm eating more because I am not eating enough during the day and when I get home from the gym, I am completely famished and will grab anything in sight to eat! I also thought what a better way to jot down what I ate for the day, then to blog about it!

So today my team here at work decided we were going to have a "snack day" to celebrate the work anniversaries for the month of August. Mind you, my team specificially, is infamous for SNACK DAYS. We even had a snack day for the Mexican Revolution. Pathetic huh? So this morning I THINK I did ok. I had a Yoplait shake, a banana, and a bagel w/ cream cheese . That was it for breakfast and I usually dont ever have a big breakfast because I am not much of a breakfast eater. Then lunch came around and I went buckwild. I had 3 slices of pizza, a chocolate donut, a handful of potato chips w/ an onion dip, some fruit slices w/ the creamy apple caramel dip that I made. Insanely bad! I swear this will never happen again! Tomorrow is a new day and from here on out it will be all about portion control and working out. I dont have a problem in the physical activity department because I try to at least workout 4x a week which I've been consistent with. So I dont need some gym expert or anyone in general preaching to me about what types of exercise I should be doing. I am fully aware of what exercise needs to be done for a specific body part. Pizza is my weakness. Costco Pizza that is.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE that you started this and so far I LOVE what you've posted! What's even more funny is that I just got back from getting a pizza! I was craving it so much i had to go out and get it! I'm so excited!
