Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monster In Laws

I must say, before I had decided to tie the knot, I was THAT girl who hoped and prayed that I wouldn't end up with wierd, irritating or just plain stupid in laws. When I had first found out that my soon to be husband had 4 sisters and 3 sisters in law, I thought GREAT! EXCITING! I've never really been close to my own sister and my brothers were never with women long enough for me to get close to their wives or girlfriends. How wonderful it would be to build close relationships with 7 women and in my mind I had this whole Sex and the City scene all planned out. We would always get together for girls night out, they would give me marriage advice, and we would all be as close as two peas in a pod. Boy was I in for a surprise!! Everything was a complete opposite. I am NOT close to my husband's sisters and that includes my sisters in law. They all turned out, and NO I am not exaggerating, to be complete pretentious, materialistic, and narcisistic bitches! I've made a life long concious decision, and I consulted with my better half before I made this decision, that I would no longer participate in any family functions as I am sick to my stomach of hearing these people talk about how much money they have, they're social status', and how they only like the finer things in life.

I mean dont get me wrong. I like the finer things in life too. I love nice things and once in while I like to boast and brag but c'mon really???? There are other topics to talk about besides how much money you have in your bank account, who's husband is richer than who's, and who stays at 4 star vs. five star hotels. Topics I like to talk about are worldly issues, what's happening in entertainment, fashion maybe, hell humor me and tell me what you had for lunch but to make a constant spectacle of yourself on how "rich and classy" you are is just not my cup of tea. It's definitely borderline conceitedness and I can say my husband's brother's wife (got that?) and my husband's 2 older sisters are guilty of this disease.

Because of the lack of relationship I have with my in laws, it has made me appreciate my family even more. My family is not perfect and we may not always get along but at least we are very vocal about our feelings. If Im upset with my sister or brothers, I have no problem letting them know. I was just raised to be confrontational rather than be passive. I dont trust my husband's family and I don't trust their loyality to me and my husband. As far as I'm concerned, I have MY immediate family, my mother in law, and my husband. I dont have sisters or brothers in law. To hell with all of them!

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